Tsinghua AI Association of International Students (TAIS) news roundup 26 March

Mar 26, 2021


Photo by Vincent Tint on Unsplash

GPT Understands, Too! Tsinghua & MIT’s P-Tuning Boosts Performance on NLU Benchmarks. [Synced]

China Mobile’s 5G users reach 165 million. [CnTechPost]

Alibaba Still Reigns Supreme Over China’s Cloud Services, Research Firm Says. [Caixin]

Chinese-Developed Lidar Sensors to Power Self-Driving Trucks from U.S. Firm Kodiak. [Caixin]

Follow TAIS here:

WeChat: TAIS Student Association

Linked: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tsinghua-ai-assoc-students/

GitHub: https://github.com/THU-TAIS

Medium: https://thu-tais.medium.com/

Compiled by Nico Gous (nico.gous@yahoo.com)




Tsinghua AI Association of International Students @ Beijing, China